Chris Withers has given a number of talks on Zope and Python related subjects over the years. Presentations accompanying those talks, where available, are included below. Please contact us if you require these in alternate formats or would like to re-use all or part of a presentation.
20 April 2006, UK Python Conference
Covers several of the most hyped templating systems along with some of the older, more stable varieties and introduces Twiddler.
21 September 2005, Plone Conference
The Plone Conference lighting talk covering "zopectl debug", "zopectl run", Stepper, MailingLogger, zdb and SimpleUserFolder. One slide on each, the whole talk was given in just over 5 minutes!
20 September 2005, Plone Conference
The fully featured discussion of the merits of Plone, what it's problems are, how they should be tackled and how they can be worked around in the meantime.
02 August 2005, OzZope Meeting
A mile-high introduction to CMF, Archetypes and Plone followed by a rant about how horrible Plone is and then some cool Zope bits that not many people know about. This was the pre-cursor to the two Plone Conference talks...
06 June 2004, EuroPython
A walk through the history of Zope's user folder architecture followed by an introduction of SimpleUserFolder and PluggableAuthenicationService.
16 April 2004, UK Python Conference
An introduction to unit testing in Python using the unittest module. This is recommended reading for anyone who's new to test-driven programming, especially if they're using Python!
16 April 2004, UK Python Conference
An introduction to the Python language for those already familiar with at least one object-oriented programming language.
12 April 2002, Berlin Zope Barbeque
A presentation exploring the various ways to combine the power of Java and Python. It introduces the JPE bridge with an example of using Lucene from Python to index content in Zope. JPE isn't recommended nowadays and Lucene integration has been better acheived in other ways.
12 July 2001, Berlin Zope Barbeque
An introduction to Zope's Content Management Framework using Squishdot to introduce the problems the CMF solves, and proposing Swishdot as an implementation of something like Squishdot for the CMF. Swishdot hasn't yet happened, but may do one day...