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Features |
The current version of Squishdot is 1.5.0.
To find out what it is and how it works, read the documentation.
You can also join the Squishdot mailing lists to get the latest news.
You may wish to find out about installing and customizing Squishdot.
This site is for the discussion of Squishdot, how it can be used and how it can be improved. Please don't use it to discuss Zope in general or to report bugs in Squishdot.
Bugs should be reported in the Bug Collector. Please make sure you include the version of Zope and the version of Squishdot you are using in your report!
Update: 07/08 09:04 by |
Sponsorship |
 Development of Squishdot and hosting of this site is sponsored by Simplistix. Please send any Zope consulting you need done their way to help keep Squishdot going.
Update: 07/08 09:04 by |
Related Links |
If you're interested in helping to develop Squishdot, please become a SourceForge member and then have a look at the Squishdot Project and get involved!.
Please see the Zope site if you want to learn more about the web application server on which Squishdot runs.
If you want to learn more about geekstuff and what inspired Squishdot, go read Slashdot and get the news for nerds.
Update: 07/08 09:04 by |
Older Articles |
There are no previous articles.
Squishdot Sites |
The following sites run Squishdot:
More sites are listed here.
If you would like to have your site listed, please email: .
Update: 07/08 09:04 by |
RDF Syndication |
Squishdot is syndicated in RDF.
This used to mean you could use it as a My Netscape channel.
Sadly, because Netscape suck so much, you can't do this anymore.
Update: 07/08 09:04 by