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Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5
Squishdot Posted by on Tuesday July 05, 08:49PM, 2005
from the dept.
Adding Squishdot 1.5 to Zope 2.8 not working


I've just downloaded actual Squishdot 1.5 and Zope 2.8 for testing purpose and here is the first error on adding a new SquishdotSite to Zope:

Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: unbound method mailhost_list() must be called with SquishSite instance as first argument (got nothing instead)


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Over 10 comments listed. Printing out index only.
Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5
by on Saturday July 30, 07:13AM, 2005
My web site www.nanoaging.com is using PHP NUKE can I use Squishdot without Zope ?
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  • Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5 by on Sunday August 07, 03:15AM, 2005
Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5
by on Thursday August 25, 01:21PM, 2005
Best thing to do is put an issue to the tracker on SourceForge.

To get it fixed quicker, try and get a unit test for it, and then a fix ;-)


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Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5
by on Wednesday September 21, 01:37PM, 2005

While migrating a Squishdot blog from Zope 2.7.0 to 2.8.1-final (with python-2.3.5) I encountered two problems:

The first problem occurs when trying to add a new Squishdot site with the ZMI:

TypeError: unbound method mailhost_list() must be called with SquishSite instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

Probably some change in ZOPE happened, so this method doesn't get passed a parameter any longer. I was able to work around that by patching the addSquishdotForm.dtml template, but the real cause of this problem appears to be within ZOPE. Since mailhost_list is called only in two DTML documents, you might get rid of it altogether by using the literal expression

superValues('Mail Host')

The other error happened after I exported an existing Squishdot site object in .zexp format on 2.7.0 and tried to import it into the 2.8.1 instance:

AttributeError: _length

This is probably due to a compatibility safeguard in ZCatalog.Catalog, which disappeared between 2.7.0 and 2.8.1. After restoring this change I was able to successfully import the Squishdot .zexp file.

Everything else appears to work fine.

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Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5
by on Tuesday January 17, 12:57PM, 2006

I had similar problem. It was caused by wrong constructors that creates Zope objects. When they were method in classes that are actually added an error occurs. So all manage_add... methods I've moved outside classes and correct __init.py__ file.:

    #This is how it was
        constructors = (Product.manage_addProduct ),
    #This is how it should be
        constructors = (manage_addProduct ),

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  • Hmm... by on Thursday January 19, 09:29AM, 2006
Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5
by on Monday May 01, 02:55AM, 2006
I've found solution for this comenting the last line of file __init_.py

#methods={ 'mailhost_list':SquishSite.mailhost_list }

[ Reply to this ]
  • Just commenting lines may not be a good idea ;-) by on Monday May 01, 11:18AM, 2006
  • Re: Zope 2.8.0 and Squishdot 1.5 by on Saturday April 07, 09:17PM, 2007
    • Use Squishdot from SVN... by on Monday April 09, 02:39PM, 2007

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